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Why Should You Move to Northern Ireland(Spain)

8 Day 466, 05:14 Published in Spain Spain

Hola eWorld. Extiendo una invitación a cualquier persona que quiera desplazarse a Irlanda del Norte. Y para aquellos que no les voy a decir por qué usted debe mover a la NI

1. Hospital = Irlanda del Norte es uno de los pocos lugares en el mundo

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Why Should You Move to Northern Ireland(South Afica)

6 Day 466, 05:10 Published in South Africa South Africa

Hello eWorld. I extend an invitation to anyone who wants to move to Northern Ireland. And for those who don't i will tell why you SHOULD move to N.I.

1. Hospital= Northern Ireland is one of the few places in the World and the only place in the UK

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Why Should You Move to Northern Ireland(Ireland)

9 Day 466, 05:08 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello eWorld. I extend an invitation to anyone who wants to move to Northern Ireland. And for those who don't i will tell why you SHOULD move to N.I.

1. Hospital= Northern Ireland is one of the few places in the World and the only place in the UK

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Why Should You Move to Northern Ireland(USA)

4 Day 466, 05:01 Published in USA USA

Hello eWorld. I extend an invitation to anyone who wants to move to Northern Ireland. And for those who don't i will tell why you SHOULD move to N.I.

1. Hospital= Northern Ireland is one of the few places in the World and the only place in the UK

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Thank you, the people of Northern Ireland

3 Day 464, 11:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

i would like to thank every one who voted for me for congress in N.i, i hope i can make you happy, i will do me best, i would also thank the people of NI for not voteing the 2 inactives into congress, you have voted very good 3 congressman and women,

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