Nothern Ireland Social Benefits Office

Day 433, 13:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Liam Smith

As most people Know the first few days on erepublik can be hard. don't know where to eat, what to buy. what to do. As loads of give up and then die. because the game is hard to get into the swing of things. The Northern Ireland Social Benefits Office wants to change that. It has been a idea for the active members of Northern Ireland for a few weeks now but today it is officaly opened. It is for those people how find it hard to get on their feet, and get a wage, food and a house. it will give out food and money to those most in need. We promise to get you back on your feet, into a job and earing money to support yourself. we will help you earn the money to buy a house. We want to make sure that YOU the citizen, not only gets food, but also a guide to show what this wonderful region has to offer. We will try to get you a active citizen of NI and the UK.So if you are from NI and need help come on down to the NI Scoial Benefits Office for help and a bit of caric. and if it goes well. it might end up in your region. Also any help to pass on the meassage would be great. thanks. go to