Running for Congress in Northern Ireland

Day 431, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Liam Smith

I would like to announce that i Liam Smith am running for congress for the UK in the region of Northern Ireland for TUP. as most of you know me in NI. for the ones how don't i started about 2 months ago. and since then i have become the Abassador to Italy for the UK, a member of the Royal Gurard, i have been campaining for a Q5 hospital in NI for ages, and i did get it some other reasons why i think you should vote for me are

I will never support a war that will damage the UK,and northern ireland, i will only support one if we a certain to win and it will help the UK in the long term. I will support any defence systems because we need any help in protecting are regions if someone invades. also that the Royal Navy should be based here because it will help Ni and help the country but the should be allowed to go home when not needed. also i am a member of the Royal Guard so i will fight for you

For The People
if i am elected i will fight for what the people of NI want, because its our area. if you want help with something or don't agree with something just conact me and i will fight for want you want. becuas theres no i in area. i will turn against my ideas if the people of northern irland want it. and that the people should have a better say in the running of the country. so if i win i will work with all the people of northern ireland

I believe that the mess up with the NI NHS clinic was bad because people found it hard or impossible to get gifting. I believe that every regions hospital should be upgraded to a least a Q4 because he can fight more. I have fought for northern Irelands Q5 hospital never since I came here. I done this and I was never a congressman. So I can do more if I am elected.

I believe that the minimum wage should be increased but not by much and that it should only be for a while at a time and that the employers should get some money from the government, to help with the new wage. I believe that all products should be around the same price if they are the same Q. so I support a recommend prices. I believe that the government should help some business to get up and running so, that the can help the country and create some jobs for the people, so I will work with business if I win.

Foreign relations.
I believe that a country can't become powerful without help from other countries, so i believe the UK should become allies with all the powerful countries e.g. USA and not too powerful e.g. Chile. We can help countries become powerful or stop them form disappearing from the map by other counties e.g. Romania, so i support any MPP. and that we should stay in ATLANTIS because they can protect us from PEACE, but the allicance should try and get most people to like it. and it has to get orgainesed

the population
As most people know that after the French war and the loss of most of Belgium. The UK population has gone down very quickly, i if am elected i will run campaigns to try and get people to move to Northern Ireland and the UK.

i am always on the eUK Forums. i think its important because people can contact you alot easier. and you can repsent your region more.

House of Lords.
i belive that the HOL, should be around becuase it can help they running of the country but they should be elected by the 5 top parties instead of the 3 plus the PM. to make it fairer the parties of the UK.

So i will try to do loads if i get elected to the HOC. Plus will listen to what anybody want, but i can't to it if i don't get elected. To vote for me if you want a better and stronger UK, remember every vote counts, everybody makes a difference. So the people of Northern Ireland please for me, to keep the UK alive and one of most powerful countries in Erepublik. and make Northern Ireland the most important region in the more