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Official eSingapore Space Agency Update

10 Day 899, 17:31 Published in Singapore Singapore

**Note to subscribers, normal international news updates will begin tomorrow**

As some of you might know I (logan Dunleavy) have recently been appointed to head a brand new government department, the eSingapore Space Agency. As soon as I was

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So, I'm One Year Old

8 Day 895, 15:46 Published in USA USA

That's correct I have officially wasted one whole year of my life on eRepublik!

One year ago today I was Youtube when I found this video. When I saw that video I thought … read more »

I'm One Year Old

5 Day 895, 15:45 Published in Singapore Singapore

That's correct I have officially wasted one whole year of my life on eRepublik!

One year ago today I was Youtube when I found this video. When I saw that video I thought … read more »

Hello eSingapore

46 Day 877, 12:35 Published in Singapore Singapore

I know Fruitcommando has been spreading lies about me. He has said things like I want to turn eSingapore into EDEN, and that I can't be trusted or won't do anything as party president. All of this is lies, I would never even look at having

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Why to Vote logan for SUP PP

8 Day 875, 16:58 Published in Singapore Singapore

Well look at this, it seems I'm running for party president of the Singaporean Unity Party. You should all totally vote for me, and this is why.

I have experience

I've been around the block so to speak. I have already been

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