I'm One Year Old

Day 895, 15:45 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy
That's correct I have officially wasted one whole year of my life on eRepublik!

One year ago today I was Youtube when I found this video. When I saw that video I thought eRepublik would be a game where you got to control your own country. little did I know that it was much more in-depth then that.

I joined eRepublik 365 days ago on day 531 of the New World. I still remember this day clearly, after attempting to register a few times and never receiving the conformation email from eRepublik I nearly gave up, but decided to try one more time. This time I picked the name logan Dunleavy and for some reason everything worked fine and I got the email, after expecting it to fail yet again. I joined in my real life home country, the US and in my RL state New York, at the time NY had a Q3 hospital and over two thousand citizens. I joined up just two days before the presidential election, Scrabman was running for his second term in office.

After looking around for a few minutes I decided to upload my first avatar. Bought some food and started talking on the forums. Something everyone does when they first join.

(my first avatar)

After basically two clicking for a while I saved up the gold to buy myself a newspaper and thus The Daily Exclaimer was born. I have to this date written 307 articles total. I started off shortly reporting on the day to day events in the eUS but then began to publicly slander president Scrabman, thus my entrance into politics. I, at the time didn't like the way he ran the eUS and had always supported Kyle321n for president. It wasn't long before I became party president of a small party called the UN Peace Office of USA. It was ironically enough by Saddam Hussein. This was after a failed run for Congress in New York, losing to Cerb 14-99 votes.

I was elected to UNPOUSA PP and changed the name to The American Party, after being re-elected I changed the name once more to The American Patriot Party. During that time I was contacted by a man whom you may of heard of, his name was Ajay Bruno. He said I would receive a campaign adviser spot if I had my party support him in the presidential election. At the time Ajay was for the most part unknown, he got me on the IRC for the first time and it looked like he would win the Conservative party primary. But of course the primary was called off for cheating and Ajay became furious at the CvP, that created the Ajay we have today.

After a few months of not being in a top 5 party I decided to return to the Conservative party where I ran and lost about 6 congressional elections. Things were dull when PEACE decided to start up ww3 and invade eNorth America. I fled my eHome of Maine and moved to fortress New Jersey to fight. The eUS was down to just Florida when Emerick came along and kicked some butt in the name of freedom, and epicness.

After the allied victory in ww3 I decided to run for Congress once more, this time in North Dakota to make a long story short I won three times then got bored of the eUS and moved to eSingapore where I resided today.

This is a list of people who have had a great effect on my eLife.

-Magus Eceerb
-Joe Newton

That is just a short list. So all in all after 365 I have done a lot in eRepublik, some which has been listed before you. I thank you for reading, sorry for the lack of pics. If you wanna chat I'm always in #logans_chat.