Official eSingapore Space Agency Update

Day 899, 17:31 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

**Note to subscribers, normal international news updates will begin tomorrow**

As some of you might know I (logan Dunleavy) have recently been appointed to head a brand new government department, the eSingapore Space Agency. As soon as I was informed of this I got the program to work. We pulled out all the stops and have great news to report.

eSingapore has into space

After a few hours working on building a massive rocket powered on Narwhals awesomeness we are pleased to report that the take off went smoothly and that our nations space program has beat ePakistan's who formerly held the title of most advanced space program. We are now pleased to show you the first photos we have received from space.

eSingapore has into space. Space, now with 100% more awesomeness!

This has been an official eSingapore government article.