Hello eSingapore

Day 877, 12:35 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

I know Fruitcommando has been spreading lies about me. He has said things like I want to turn eSingapore into EDEN, and that I can't be trusted or won't do anything as party president. All of this is lies, I would never even look at having eSingapore join EDEN because I know eIndo would attack us. As well as the fact that EDEN won't be any help to our nation. I strongly support eSingaporean neutrality.

If elected I will do far from nothing. I will establish a party IRC chat and have our party become a media power in order to get our message across. I will also set up a party leadership and bring the SUP back into the national political stage. I will also focus strongly on recruitment to bring up our party numbers. So just remember to listen for the truth today, not lies and vote for logan Dunleavy as your PP.

Together we are united, together we will win.