Why to Vote logan for SUP PP

Day 875, 16:58 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Well look at this, it seems I'm running for party president of the Singaporean Unity Party. You should all totally vote for me, and this is why.

I have experience

I've been around the block so to speak. I have already been party president of 2 small parties in the eUS. I know know how a party works and how to run one efficiently while gaining members. I know how eRepublik works like the back of my hand. I have also been in Congress three times. I'm a field marshal and former member of SEAL Team 6. As well as many other jobs in my eLife.

What I will do

If elected as your party president I can promise that recruitment will be my top goal. With a party as great as ours we should easily be in 3ed place. I will work with all party members willing to help make our party a better place and bring us to a higher standing on the political stage. We as a party stand for unity, and that is something I will promote if elected party president. Unity with other political parties and even more unity with our allies in SOL. I will make our party a media outlet for the nation and spread our message.

People of eSingapore, and the SUP on election make the right choice. Vote for strong leadership and experience, vote for logan Dunleavy.