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Wrapping up North America

7 Day 671, 15:34 Published in USA USA

First off, I have to congratulate myself. I have somehow managed to attract 100 subscribers! Nowhere near a media mogul medal, but hey, it's a benchmark. I honestly never thought anybody would read my articles when I began, but I apparently say

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PEACE More Desparate Then Ever

10 Day 670, 06:18 Published in USA USA

With a resounding turnaround in the war yesterday, clearly favoring us and our allies, PEACE has been scratching their heads going "wtf just happened???". In about a two hour time span, Iran got kicked out of North America, Russia lost initiative to

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Congrats Canada!!!

4 Day 669, 12:55 Published in USA USA

I must thank Canada for their great hospitality while I was visiting today to fight with them in a little project of theirs. And I am happy to say, that it turned out well. Canada has successfully won in the battle for Northwest Territories. Iran

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Canada so close, yet so far.

5 Day 668, 16:24 Published in USA USA

The Iranian Maneuver is seeming like more and more of a mistake by the day. After forfeiting their initial 24 hour advantage of being the ones to declare war by not starting a battle, the Iranians were immediately shoved into the defensive.

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PEACE Just Can't Accept That It's Over.

10 Day 665, 16:22 Published in USA USA

Well, here we go again, PEACE has found another Colombia to use against us in this war... The Iranian Legislature is proposing a declaration of war against Canada. This would allow them to attack Canada, stopping them from blocking Hungary. Now, if

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