PEACE Just Can't Accept That It's Over.

Day 665, 16:22 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Well, here we go again, PEACE has found another Colombia to use against us in this war... The Iranian Legislature is proposing a declaration of war against Canada. This would allow them to attack Canada, stopping them from blocking Hungary. Now, if Canada is lucky, their president will be able to hit the "Attack" button before the Iranian president can, in which case PEACE has a big "Whoops" on their hands. Canada has the ability to infinitely block Iran in their 2 territories up north, if they strike first.

If Iran gets the attack first, then they will activate a lot of Canadian MPPs, making their small advantage against Canada disappear. So even though Canada will be blocked, we can at least be sure that they will not be losing any regions to the Iranians.

On a slightly more cheery note, there is some potential that we will re-gain the initiative at some point tomorrow! Russia and Colombia have lost all battles against us today, and are losing the only open ones. If we can keep the enemy from grabbing these two, we find ourselves in a very happy position. At least we can blow Colombia out of North America. Hey, we may even get rid of Russia this time. All wishful thinking, I know. But hey, we gotta keep trying, don't we?

Keep up the good fight America!

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!