Wrapping up North America

Day 671, 15:34 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

First off, I have to congratulate myself. I have somehow managed to attract 100 subscribers! Nowhere near a media mogul medal, but hey, it's a benchmark. I honestly never thought anybody would read my articles when I began, but I apparently say something that you all like. Thanks to all you who subscribed! Now on to the article...

We are very fortunate to be in a position where PEACE cannot impede our efforts to kick Russia out of North America without screwing themselves over. Colombia cannot successfully come back through Mexico and block us because Spain will block them through the Canary Islands. France cannot attack any more of our regions without putting themselves in a position where they will be blocked by Canada or Spain. They did try to open themselves up in a RW in Kentucky, but that failed, miserably. Hungary cannot do anything because they are being blocked continuously by Canada. Russia will certainly not re-gain the initiative because we are attacking them, and even if we stopped, our good friends in Norway and Finland would take care of them.

PEACE is finally showing that they are not in fact all-powerful. They can be defeated so long as we stand strong as one. Thanks to the effort of all of our allies, we can never be defeated. We owe our international friends a great debt of gratitude, for without them we would not be in such a position.

Of course, PEACE will find one last ditch effort to use to try to turn the tide of the war, and it will most likely be close to illegal. But if we can just keep the next few days going our way, we can have Russia kicked out in three days, France gone in another couple of days, and then it is on to Hungary. Keep up the good fight America!

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!