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The Same Old Song and Dance in this War

2 Day 663, 12:17 Published in USA USA

Here we are again, on the defensive. This seems vaguely reminiscent of the initial invasion of the war. Russia is doing most of the pushing, and Colombia is making sure we do not gain the initiative (like Portugal and Indo had done in Phase I). And

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New Jersey People!

5 Day 660, 16:01 Published in USA USA

Fight in New Jersey! This battle is a must win! If we lose this battle, we go back on the defensive, and that s what nearly destroyed us in the first part of the war, and it is what has

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Bye Bye Russia!

2 Day 659, 14:10 Published in USA USA

If things keep going the way they have been, there will be only 3 original U.S. states held by Russia in 24 hours. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Edit: While I was writing this article, we launched an attack on Massachusetts. One

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3 Day 658, 18:53 Published in USA USA

I saw this... and couldn't help but laugh. The absurdity of it alone makes me giggle.

Then I saw this... [url=

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Colombia Begins to March North

6 Day 657, 16:48 Published in USA USA

About one hour ago, Colombia attacked Southeast of Mexico, the first region necessary for them to take on their journey to border the U.S. It was immediately retreated by Mexico, showing their cooperation in this venture. Colombia has not pushed

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