This is Pretty Cool

Day 739, 17:38 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

After some fantastic wins in Croatia against Serbgary, we have some more happy news before we all go to sleep tonight.

First, Malaysia grows a pair and begins retaking their regions by force. With their extreme neutrality, many of us thought the Malaysians would be willing to do what Australia did when Indo wanted to be their "friends" and "give regions back" for a "modest" fine. Thankfully, these guys have a ton of allies to help them, and they know it. Now the questions only remains whether or not they will try to continue on to Java...but that is for another day. It may seem unlikely, but the Malaysians don't have much of a choice other than to try. Because they know that Indo will not stop until they get what they want-a pretty new trophy country. Keep up the good fight guys, You can, and will, win this if you keep your perseverance.

Second, Britains are now open season with the Brits no longer holding initiative. We have a nice choice, should we chose to accept it, to either take a vacation in London or Azores, Portugal. Now, the Portuguese have done stupid stuff more recently, but the Brits seem to have a much longer streak of annoyance, I personally chose to go with the crumpets 🙂

Finally, tomorrow Finland will begin to launch attacks into its Russian and Latvian held regions, once their current battles end with those two countries. So congrats Estonia for losing another hospital ion a worthless region swap, and to Latvia and Russia for wasting money to start these battles that nothing will come from. So very like ex😛EACE...

Well, have a good night folks! This was a great day to laugh at the many failures of the ex-PEACE bloc. Trust me, there will be many more to come.