Why Join the RFP

Day 482, 18:10 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

I have been preoccupied with posting detailed plans and comparative analyses, that I have not realised most people do not sit and read through all my incoherent ramblings. So I've decided, simplicity might be the proper expression of sophistication for the RFP at the moment. Here is a number of reasons why you should join the Royal Feudalist Party:

* We are the only party committed to significant social change.

* We are the only party that recognises the broad spectrum eRepublik comprises and wish to offer unique social programs (in addition to conquest wars CEP is proposing) to make eCanada accessible to all.

* Our party is the home of many (if not most) prominent eCanadians including a number of cabinet ministers so you know you will be in good company.

* Our party recognises each member as a valuable individual and you will be treated as such at our forums: http://feudalist.forumotion.com/forum.htm where all our members come together to discuss their ideas.

* We do not accept the limitations set by eRepublik admins and wish to expand this game to varying levels of social and intellectual involvement.

* We do not have a set ideology our party follows (other than social change) so your ideas will always be considered and respected no matter what.

If you are an eCanadian citizen of any age or demographic- RFP is THE party for you! Join today: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/royal-feudalist-party-2262/1