CP Entry: Dominik

Day 489, 19:20 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

You know what a useful commodity would be? Opium. Yes, opium, and the coca plant while we're at it. Think of the wars waged for this valueable resource! Besides, we need organised crime in eRepublik- which is why we also need a killing feature. Seriously though, opium would be much like other natural resources with new Heroin companies being set up. Heroin could provide users with wellness, but take wellness away if it is used too often and in some cases, make citizens addicted where they lose wellness when they take it, but lose even more when they don't!!! 😮

It would give new purpose for our hospital system too. Besides treating addicts, opium could also be sold to hospitals for the production of morphine!

There. I have all the solutions to eRepublik!