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[IRE]Northern Ireland, who deserves it

56 Day 830, 08:02 Published in Ireland Ireland

*note: all trolling and “shadow is a butt” WILL be reported. I am writing this article to open a debate regarding the Northern-Ireland situation. I know some of you immature kids don’t understand the word “debate” so I ask those ppl to plz refer read more »

Open letter to the government of Belgium

50 Day 815, 06:48 Published in Belgium Belgium

Dear ppl of Belgium, dear ppl of EDEN, Phoenix and Neutral nations

This is a open letter addressed to the government and to Olv007, eBelgian president in particular. This is a responds to his article [url=

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shadowukcs is Running for President of eBelgium

65 Day 806, 11:18 Published in Belgium Belgium

Dear citizens of e-Belgium

Recent events in the current government of eBelgium have lead me to decide to stand for the presidential election in a few days, despite my promise that I would never stand again.

Olv007 promised us a free and

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Dear eUK, it's just getting plain sad....[UPDATED AGAIN]

53 Day 779, 10:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

you can't imagine on how many forums I've already seen those 2 link … read more »

[POETRY]The Glorious NecroFrinch who Hates Christmas

10 Day 768, 07:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello kids, It's Uncle Shadow here!!!

In the mood of Christmas and sharing I thought I'd share this lovely story with you. It's a real Christmas story about a Man named Glorious NecroFrinch who was a crazy.

I hope you'll all like the story

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