Dear eUK, it's just getting plain sad....[UPDATED AGAIN]

Day 779, 10:05 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

you can't imagine on how many forums I've already seen those 2 link followed by a big bunch of fail comments


To the guy who is charge of the eUK military:
This man deserves to be shot for stupidity immediately (no joke)

To the citizens of eUK
At first I lolled with this, but the longer I look at it, the sadder it gets. You are really unfortunate with having the dumbest military leaders in e-history who really don't seem to understand the whole point of a attack/RW-tactic



Just when you think they can't get any stupider, they surprise you even further. Just 5 minutes ago eUK decided to attack Spain in Walonia. But what the strategic brainiacs in eUK didn't realised is that eUSA and eSpain are at war. This attack from them on Walonia will allow eUSA to swap regions with eSpain and block eUK. All this without triggering their MPP's.

It is clear my friends, eUK has mentally backward military leadership. It is our duty... no our obligation to save them from this stupidity and annex them into the great EDEN empire


Martinoz just send me this other solution. Something much much much better then the solution I first mentioned