Ambient on/off


1202 Day 752, 10:14 Published in USA USA

This is an open letter to the admins. Plz sign and vote if you agree

Dear citizens of e-republik

In the latest e-rep insider ( admins implanted the element of

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France needs you!!...

29 Day 744, 02:04 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

... France is knocking on the door asking for help
-quickly, act like you don’t hear them or just completely ignore them!!! 😃 😃

Hi Indonesia,

My name is shadowukcs. I know some might know me as the former ATLANTIS SG and other might

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[PLF] A Death message to Scrabman and Killing Time

9 Day 647, 07:16 Published in USA USA

Dear Mister Scrabman
Dear Mister Killing time
Dear other Admins on the eUSA board

This is the PLF, the Penguin Liberation Front

Be scared!! ... Be very scared!!! We will avenge our penguin brothers that died by all the bowling that happened

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Internal conflicts within PEACE??

10 Day 634, 06:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

"there is no split within PEACE. Everyone sometimes needs to do a /rant, this was Wolf's. He made a mistake by doing it so pulicly, but he is not even an Italian representative. Of course people make more of it than it is, most likely it wouldve

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the BBH-times

5 Day 633, 06:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Dear eUK citizens

We all know BBH on the eUK. It's been called many names varying from "childish dump" to "mini /b/-kintergarden board", to "ZOMG!!! it has my name in it!!! best place evaaaa". With this article I'm trying to keep you update on

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