[I&W] New Party President

Day 755, 09:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

Dear fellow party members,

Tonight we will be choosing a new Part President (PP). We are very lucky this time to have two great candidates that both bring a lot to the table. Christiaanb94 is one of the older players with tons of experience and one of our top soldiers. Capzilla is a new player but has been extremely active and writes some really good news articles. So both of them represent what we at Iron & Wine stand for: Active and Experienced. The choice will be therefore difficult but the outcome will always be good because I am convinced that both will do great.

The fact that we choose a new President for Iron & Wine also means that my time as PP of Iron & Wine has come to an end. I started several months ago and I enjoyed being PP a lot but I know that I couldn’t have been a good PP without the help from several people. Thank you for that.


Mitch Rapp
Soon to be Ex-PP of Iron & Wine