[I&W] Update on the New Government

Day 742, 01:01 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

As you know i was assigned to be the “formatuer” of the new government because Iron & Wine is the biggest party in Congress. I had given myself a deadline of 3 days to get the government in place but unfortunately I didn’t make that deadline. It was much more difficult than I originally anticipated. However, I am writing this article to let you know what has been done and what will be done soon.

I started off with talking to all major parties as I had promised during the elections. My main focus throughout the coalition talks was a coalition with the Belgium Party (BP) and they first wanted a coalition with LSD, BP and I&W. However, LSD let me know that they were not interested in being in a coalition with Iron & Wine. So that option fell off.

So that left the options I&W + BP or GLD + LP + I&W. With my deadline running out I pursued both options at the same time. Yesterday, Kravenn informed me that the BP doesn’t want to be in a coalition with I&W neither. This was very disappointing for me because I had hoped we could put aside our difference and work on a better Union and country.

So that left us with GLD + LP + I&W and the fact that they weren’t first choice from the beginning has nothing to do with me (or my fellow party members) seeing them as irrelevant. GLD, LP and I&W have always had a close friendship and we have similar point of views on a lot of issues. I told them from the beginning that we preferred the BP as a coalition partner because they represent the majority of the Belgian people. Ignoring them is ignoring Belgium while we are united together.

Yesterday we made huge progress in getting the government and our program ready and as we speak each party is checking with their people what they think of the proposal that is ready. That means that today, or by the latest tomorrow, the government will be officially announced. We are still looking for a few positions within the government to be filled. If you are interested in a position within the government please let us know. It doesn’t matter of which party you are as we also approached other party members such as Boklevski.

Well this also means that my duties as “formateur” are done and that I can hand the coordination over to Deviltje who will be serving as Prime Minister of the new government. He will also arrange for the last few dots and lines to be crossed. I want to thank all the people that were involved in the coalition talks for their time and efforts.