Stop it

Day 768, 14:39 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol
Law Proposals

The new congress is elected, and apparently we have a number of freshmen in our congress. We see unprepared law proposals every day, and I urge to stop this. Even if the proposal is serious and useful, please follow these steps:
1. If the topic is new, start a public discussion by writing a newspaper article.
2. At least 24 hours before you propose a law, announce this in the congress section of our forum.
3. Check for comments and objections there before you propose the law.
4. When proposing the law, include a link to the forum discussion.


Thailand has been a victim of takeovers several times now. It has happened again, and it will happen in future. I want to stop this, too. Alas, there is no easy answer to this problem. The implementation of citizenship has helped a little, but it helps medium sized populations much better than small populations like ours. The simple answer to our problem is: If we want to be safe, we must grow. A baby boom of native Thais would help us a lot, and the potential is there. This is a long-term solution and cannot be implemented within one or two weeks. The point is: If Thailand does not exist, a baby boom cannot happen. This is why merging Thailand into Malaysia is not my favorite solution at this time. It is however the second-best solution, and one I would opt for if my favorite solution cannot be realised.

My vision is a Thailand living in peace with its neighbors, and being big enough to keep control of its political power. We are not rich of raw materials, and we have little strategic relevance in the world. If we can sort out things with Indonesia, then nobody will have an interest to TO us - except for one reason: When we continue to be an easy victim. To sum up, the first task is to talk with our Indonesian guests, and the second is to make babies. Altogether: Make love, not war!

The big questions are: Do we want to accept this challenge? Are we ready to work for this? Or do we feel tired of all this? Some of us are even tired of eRepublik as a whole. Give me your comments, or write me a message.