[TH]c Lease my enterprise

Day 779, 16:53 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

One of the most challenging areas of eRepublik is running a company. When I started with Low Cost Tickets here in Thailand, I thought that it is nearly impossible to generate a positive cash flow from this company. This has changed. While one small company alone is still difficult to manage, my enterprise has grown and reached a critical mass. Diversified as it is, temporary problems in one country or one industry can be compensated by other companies. I would not build up the same portfolio of companies if I started from scratch with today's knowlegde, but still this enterprise is not bad.

Now my feeling is that I have mastered this aspect of the game. I am growing a little tired of it already, and in addition my RL will keep me more busy starting from February. This his why I have decided to give the companies to someone else. You can lease it, operate it, and while doing so extend your management experience and earn enough gold to have your daily private training session with Lana.

If you want to lease my enterprise, answer this tender.