Interview with 0rinda

Day 1,499, 18:53 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

He made his name famous when he stole the Slovenian treasury and later on left the moderators' team, he was hated and loved, but mostly hated, we are of course talking about 0rinda. In this interview he shared the origin of his name, what he thinks of this game and the gold buyers that make this game possible and many other interesting facts. He did make several attempts to regain his lost respect and he did mention how he felt and feels about it.

Tell us more about yourself.

Hi to you too. Well, I am 20, in RL I am a student and I attend the Faculty of Philosophy in capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana. I study geography and history.

Could you explain the meaning of your name and why in fact you firstly decided to pick it?
My nickname doesn't mean anything. I once played a game called Conquer 2.0, and there was one guy using it and I kind of liked it, so I chose it here. Firstly, I wanted to pick 'Remix', but it was already taken by some dead guy.

Why exactly do you like this game, which part does attract you?
It's good for free time, since I don't have much to do except studying. There are some people I met in RL from here and maybe they are also an inspiration to not give up the game. Everything attract me. Politics, battlefield, friends, economy, etc.

You can be regarded as an experienced player, but some people do know you only by your actions, when you stole the entire Slovenian treasury, what do you say to that?
Unfortunately, I cannot change what happened back then. I apologized for this action twice, once after the action, once around a month ago and some people forgave me. I'm trying my best 'to get back on track' with helping my country again. This action will probably remain forever so I can't do much about it. All I can do is keep helping people and try to regain the honour I once had. There were only a few, who stood by my side (friends from moderator's team and few more people). Now, also those who really hated me, became my friends. I met some of them in RL and they forgave me. I appreciate it. But I am not expecting from others to forgive me. They have all rights to be angry. So I have to deal with it.

In this game, have you so far made any friends, if possible real life ones?
Well. I was on two meetings this year since I had moved to Ljubljana. I met around 15-20 people from the game. But I don't know what are their thoughts. Do they count me as a friend? Or just a random person they met? It's hard. I count all of them as friends, don't know about them.

The past actions often hunt you, how do you try to avoid them or "learn from them"?
I try to aknowledge what I did, I did improve over the past months and am working to regain my respect back amongst the people that I hurt.

Often people complain about the gold buyers in this game, how they make things unfair, what is your opinion about it?
Without them I doubt this game would still be running. Otherwise I don't complain about them. Maybe sometimes when they tank few millions in a battle versus me and then win, I'm so pissed on them but it's just a current emotion. Also, eRepublik is just another business. And to keep running it there must be an income. In this case, gold buyers are the income.

Which is your favourite country in eRepublik except your homeland?
There is no favourite country, because I wouldn't change Slovenia for nothing. Apart from that I lived in two other countries in my erep life, Netherlands and Austria. I liked them both, very friendly people. So they are the two countries that I prefer the most.

Have you ever bought gold and if you did, why and do you regret it?
I never bought gold on the eRepublik site.

What makes you play this game?
Like I said in the beginning, to fill the free time I have. Yes, I could play any other games. This one has a special effect on me, still searching which one. Maybe obsession? 😛 Also because of other people I know, from the internet and the RL and don't want to simply quit the connection with them.

What is your biggest achievement in this game?
Being a moderator.

Do you have anything else to say to the readers?
Yeah. Do not use multies, waste of time. Do not steal. Make love. And vote this damn article or else...

About the multies, only he can. : )

Many thanks to 0rinda for this pleasant interview.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly