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ADSP Congress Elections Sign up! + Hospital Drive

9 Day 669, 03:07 Published in Australia Australia

Hello again,

ADSP members its that time of the month again, where we sign up for congress elections for the month of September. Yes all you have to do is go to the party page and click run for congress, but if you do only that, expect not to get

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Hospital Drive!

19 Day 667, 01:22 Published in Australia Australia

Evening Australia,

I have recently been in contact with a Q5 company, and he is willing to sell us a Q5 hospital for 270 gold (plus license to Australia). Considering hospitals sell for at least 300 gold I think we should take the this

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Patti11 for ADSP PP!

9 Day 664, 23:27 Published in Australia Australia

Afternoon ADSP members and anyone else with a slight interest in ADSP matters,

As many of you know by now, I am running for the position of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party Party President (what a mouthful) again. The ADSP is in my blood,

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Patti11- Response to ADSP supporting stewstoyc

41 Day 652, 14:39 Published in Australia Australia

Hey Australia,
As you all would have by now, the ADSP, the party I helped build from the ground up and was Party President of twice has decided to turn its back on me and its ideals, and support stewstoyc (aka scotywest, aka scott Mitchell, for

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Attention Senators About Citizenship!

11 Day 644, 01:03 Published in Australia Australia

Gday Australia,

Recently, the Citizenship and Quota for Immigration Act was passed by the Senate and it outlines the procedures for granting citizenship to citizens and a quota of how many citizens per country

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