Patti11- Response to ADSP supporting stewstoyc

Day 652, 14:39 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hey Australia,
As you all would have by now, the ADSP, the party I helped build from the ground up and was Party President of twice has decided to turn its back on me and its ideals, and support stewstoyc (aka scotywest, aka scott Mitchell, for new citizens he was banned twice) of the True Blue Party.
I'm sure this has come to a surprise for many of you, and it’s obvious to see why. Why has the ADSP turned its back on one of its own? Let me explain:

Last week I put in my nomination to run for the ADSP Prime Minister spot in the election. The way ADSP chooses its candidates is through a primary voting system first, much like the USA in Real Life. I was the only ADSP candidate to run, but the possibility of supporting Melchizedek Smith of the Australian Independents or scoty of TBP. While this is an argument in itself if this should take place, it happened and voting started 3 days ago.
Well as it happened, the ADSP of 300 members in game, only 20 people voted on the forum. The result turned out to be 7 for me, 7 for scoty and 6 for Mel. I thought I had won it on the grounds of common sense, and started speaking to people on IRC about finalising my cabinet. I then spoke to Son of Rambo, the ADSP's party president. SoR and I knew each other from a while ago, and we got on well. I asked him about the draw, and he said he withheld his vote, and will make the decision to support scoty.

To say the least I was very doubtful of this, I voted nearly straight away on the poll system and there was already a vote for scoty. Obviously I have no proof of this, so I let it slide. However, this is where it gets interesting. An ADSP member thought Mel was ADSP, and decided to vote for him. He believed that an ADSP candidate deserved to run, and he thought Mel would be a wise choice. He was obviously wrong on the matter, and asked to change his vote (the option to change your vote was unchecked by SoR). This person decided to post in the thread, asking to change his vote on the grounds of the misunderstanding, SoR promptly denied, citing that the vote was over and votes can't be changed.

I hope you have noticed the hypocrisy here. Didn't SoR say the vote was closed, and it can't be changed? He then decides to register his vote? I'll let you decide on that one.
The main thing is that I am very disappointed that an ADSP member doesn't get the opportunity to run for Prime Minister of this great country from his own party. If the candidate is suitable and is ready for the job, there should be no qualms about him running. I mean the idea for a party is to support others in it who believes they can change the country for the better, with the main core ideals each party member subscribes to. Scotty is right wing, and was even supported by a right wing party, the ANP. ADSP is left wing, and SoR has made a mockery of ADSP members and to himself for that matter, and I question if he subscribes to the ADSPs ideals, and if he doesn't he should resign as Party President.

I know SoR is going to argue that he wanted the 'best candidate for Australia'. That's the beauty about private voting, you can choose who you think will run the country best without anyone criticising you. However, being in a party means you support one another, and like I said if your party has a suitable candidate for the role of Prime Minister party members and the party president should do everything in his/her power to win that person the election. SoR is alienating a lot of people with his decision, and I once again question if he really believes what the rest of ADSP does.
Another thing that really bites me is the fact that ADSP will lose its 8 month streak of winning the CP elections lost without a fight. The ADSP has done so much for Australia, providing hospitals, a stable economy, a functioning military, our senate structure, the forums, Tasmania, Northern Territory, South Australia, a regional alliance and a solid relationship with Indonesia. SoR has ruined this legacy of great leaders (Cottus Arci 2 terms, Derek Apollyon, myself 2 terms, Tim09, Aussie Vegeta and the incumbent Ranger Bob) without a fight.

So what’s next for me?

I would still love to run for the Prime Minister seat, because I know I am capable of it again. I had a fantastic cabinet, with a fantastic Deputy Prime Minister in Xavier Griffith, and I am sad this is going to waste. I am in talks with the More Beer Party to request they put me forward, although nothing is set in stone. If I fail in gaining the opportunity to run, I would like to endorse Mel for Prime Minister. I know scoty well as he was my Deputy Prime Minister and no offense to him whatsoever, I don't think he is capable of doing the job. He is a great bloke and a hard worker, but when it comes down to the crunch time scoty isn't the man I would want making the big decisions. I'm sorry to say this but it’s the way I feel, and I respect scoty as a General Manager, a soldier and an Australian citizen and I hope he makes me eat my words if elected.
I just think politics in this country needs to stop sugar coating everything that is said, and cut to the crap and the truth needs to be told. While Mel obviously has the inexperience, never served in the executive government (the cabinet) he is highly intelligent and with the right personnel, will make the correct decisions. I wish both scoty and Mel the best of luck because they will both need it.
To the ADSP, I'll see you guys in around 2 weeks, when I run for Party President, and put things back to how they should be. I also resign from scoty's and Mel's cabinet, as I want to be the opposition next month, giving my honest opinions to how I see things.
Lastly, I urge this country to start being honest in how they feel about others and what people are doing. Actions should always be questioned, and you should say what you want to say, without sugar coating to be politically correct. My only request is you stay away from personal attacks. If this all happens, expect to see a better Australia, as conflict and arguments are what drive people to get involved, and to want to get their opinions heard.

Yours faithfully,

Minister for Immigration, Customs and Security
Ex Prime Minister of Australia (2 terms)
Ex Deputy Prime Minister
Ex Minister for Defence
Ex Minister for Finance
Ex Minister for Industry
Ex Deputy Minister for Finance
Ex Deputy Minister for Industry
Ex ADSP Party President
DropBear Alpha Squad
Optimus Australia Co-Owner
Disgruntled, senile ADSP member