ADSP Congress Elections Sign up! + Hospital Drive

Day 669, 03:07 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hello again,

ADSP members its that time of the month again, where we sign up for congress elections for the month of September. Yes all you have to do is go to the party page and click run for congress, but if you do only that, expect not to get elected. Get ready for congress elections, ADSP style.

The Process

1.Register your details on the forums here. (If you don't have access sign up here)

2. Release your platform, in a newspaper article or on the forums.

3. Campaign your but off until election day!

So, What are the benefits for going through the process again?

By signing up through the above process, you get to be on the ADSP's official candidate list. What this means is you are guaranteed to get to run in the elections if I have to shortern the candidate list. In addition, your name will be released in the offical ADSP article on which candidates to vote for.

ADSP's forums attacked!

Yes its true, chances are if you were an ADSP member and tried to access our forums over the last couple of weeks you would have had an unauthorized message, even if you have been granted access. This is due to irresponsible, stupid and childish actions by our last Party President Son of Rambo, who removed nearly 100 members from the ADSP usergroup on the forums. He even tried to remove myself and Derek Apollyon, and the only reason we didn't uncover this attack earlier was due to our individual permissions on the forums.

I condemn Son of Rambo's action and when he is back from wherever he is I would ask him to explain himself to ADSP members.

And lastly, on a different, lighter note:

The Q5 hospital drive has started slower then I anticipated and we are only on 26 gold out of 270. The time frame for purchasing this hospital is only 5-7 days at the most and I implore you Australia not to let this go. To kick start the drive again I will donate another 10 gold plus the proceeds of a Q3 house, on top of the 20 gold from myself that will pay for the exporting license to Australia. In addition, to bid on the Q3 house I am selling send me a PM. It will be a silent auction.
That leaves us on 234 gold (less the house) to go, which is easily achievable, if we want it Australia.Here are the details on where to post to:

Donate to:B-T Industries as much gold as you can afford
Donate by: Day 674

Party President of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party

oh and P.S. Since most of the old guard is posting their opinions on EDEN/FORTIS, I guess I should release mine so look out for it tomorrrow.