Attention Senators About Citizenship!

Day 644, 01:03 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Gday Australia,

Recently, the Citizenship and Quota for Immigration Act was passed by the Senate and it outlines the procedures for granting citizenship to citizens and a quota of how many citizens per country can be granted citizenship per month.

Rather then to quote the Act, I will summarize it below:

The Department of Immigration, Customs and Security will post a list at 0.00 everday on the forums in the Senate section, and only applicants for citizenship on this list can be grantedby Senators.

This is so the DoICS can investigate applicants, and weed out anyone who doesn't have the best interest of Australia at heart.

No Senator should approve citizens who are not on this list.

Basically, It is breaking the law and that could mean good bye to your political career and potential backlash from the country!

Each month, the following quotas will be enforced, with a set limit on the amount of citizens allowed to Australia per Senate month.
40% from USA and Canada.
40% from the rest of the world.
20% for reserve, to combat a PTO or if there is no PTO, will be made available for anyone

Now before anyone starts shouting that I am a racist and a xenophobe, this quota is in place to protect Australia's political scene. Having too many people from one country can create a PTO by accident, and with many people wanting to leave the USA and Canada to start afresh, these quotas are in place to protect Australia.

To the current Senate, well done on a good term and a final list for this month will be posted in the next couple of hours in the Senate section.


Minister for Immigration, Customs and Security