Patti11 for ADSP PP!

Day 664, 23:27 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Afternoon ADSP members and anyone else with a slight interest in ADSP matters,

As many of you know by now, I am running for the position of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party Party President (what a mouthful) again. The ADSP is in my blood, as I helped formed the party and get it to where it is today, along with other great current and past ADSP members including Derek Apollyon, Cottus Arci, taytaz, Xavier Griffith and haugenmatt. However, I'll be first to admit that a lot has changed since then, and if that change has been for the good I am really not so sure. ADSP was built on the foundations on teamwork and helping each other out, which I think has been skewed in the last couple of months. Its time to bring ADSP back to its roots, back to what we really stand for. And that time is now.


ADSP sorely needs one, we are the biggest party and thus need to be the most organised. A constitution will do just that, as well as outline the process of our congress selections, party president selections and other internal party matters. However, the main goal of the constitution will be to make sure each and every ADSP has a fair go, and an opportunity to participate and have their voices heard.

Messenger Runs

Its a big task, sending out messages to 300 people but they are essential for enabling the true voice of ADSPers are heard, and that is by getting them on to the forums. Whether offering them gifts from BADASS- Gifts or other rewards are yet to be decided but this will be one of my primary and important tasks.

The ADSP Ten Ideals

7 months ago, Derek Apollyon and other ADSP members formed The Tenets. These were the ideals and core beliefs that ADSP members all shared. I wish to review this core goals, to make sure they are up to date and represent the party once again as a whole.

Lastly, to all ADSP members sign up onto our private forums here . And to all other members of political parties....

TBP&AIP: Your Party Presidents were members of the ADSP!
ANP: Try the dark side for a while eh?
ACP: You spawned from us under taytaz. Come back nao?
MBP: Join us for teh lulz

