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Order of the Day: Resource Trade with Ireland

21 Day 1,160, 15:43 Published in Canada Canada

eCanada day 1160 of the New world

Today Canada begins a resource trade with our friends in Ireland. Unfortunatly due to game mechanics the only way to do this is … read more »

Order of the day: Lost Funds and Economic Updates

13 Day 1,158, 15:52 Published in Canada Canada

Ecanada day 1158 of the new world

Hello everyone,

It has been hectic lately and more news is starting to trickle through -> here are a few quick updates!

On the lost Funds:

[img][/img] … read more »

Revenue Canada Compromised

51 Day 1,156, 13:22 Published in Canada Canada

Over the last few weeks the Government of eCanada has suffered a number of blows from individuals masquerading a servants of the public, all the while harbouring intentions … read more »

Orders of the Day: Updates on the Budget and more!

12 Day 1,152, 17:06 Published in Canada Canada

E-Canada Day 1152 of the new world.

Hello everyone,

As a sidenote, to reiterate the last issue do not trust orders from the Canadian Civil Defense organization we again ask … read more »

Order of the day: False orders and for e-Canadians Trapped in Turkey

17 Day 1,151, 17:50 Published in Canada Canada

E-Canada Day 1151,

Recently some of E-Canada's organizations have been stolen and this individual wishes to sow chaos and confusion among the nations citizenry.

You may have noticed this😞url= more »