Order of the Day: Resource Trade with Ireland

Day 1,160, 15:43 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada
eCanada day 1160 of the New world

Today Canada begins a resource trade with our friends in Ireland. Unfortunatly due to game mechanics the only way to do this is to start a war and litterally invade the other side as witnessed by this proposal earlier today:

Ireland Declaration of War

The plan is for Ireland to declare war, then for Canada to occupy Shannon then declare peace.

In doing so Canada will gain a new unique resource "Fruit", which will boost our produce sector.

A brief explanation on resources:

Basically in Erepublik there are 10 unique resources. For each unique resource you control it will boost production by 5% in the relevant sector. (Up to a maximum of 25😵

Some resources are slightly different (Iron/Grain/Oil) in that they give the 25% bonus to the relevant raw and also give 5% to the accompanying consumable, as you can imagine they are highly sought.

Further reading on natural resources

Here is the current Breakdown before and after the trade:

This will result in a 5% gain in our food production. Let it be known that we are not in a true war with our friends in Ireland. We are simply doing a resource trade, if there are any questions or concerns please direct them to this org.

Be well

-Your MOC