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NCAP New Canadian Assistance Program

9 Day 1,143, 19:46 Published in Canada Canada

The Ministry of Education under the President Wes Lewis administration is proud to announce the launch of the NCAP, New eCanadian Assistance Program.

The New eCanadian
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NCAP New eCanadian Assistance Program

22 Day 1,121, 22:23 Published in Canada Canada

The Ministry of Education under the President TemujinBC administration is proud to announce the launch of the NCAP, New eCanadian Assistance Program.

The New eCanadian
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eCanada At War ~ Defend the Atlantic

20 Day 1,110, 09:37 Published in Canada Canada

Phoenix has long pined for a beach head in North America, a place from whence they could launch attacks on eCanada and the eUSA, not to mention the potential of … read more »

[Gov] eCanada at war ~ tactique canadien

7 Day 1,086, 10:16 Published in Canada Canada

[le français se trouve ci-dessous]

Over the last two weeks eCanada had put our assault on the eUK on hold in order to provide military aid to one of our oldest and … read more »

[Gov] Changes to Training and Rank ~ Changements à l'Entraînement et aux Rangs

8 Day 1,085, 18:12 Published in Canada Canada

[le français se trouve ci-dessous]

From time to time the mechanics of the game may change. To aid citizens in understanding how these changes will impact them the … read more »