Orders of the Day: Updates on the Budget and more!

Day 1,152, 17:06 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada
E-Canada Day 1152 of the new world.

Hello everyone,

As a sidenote, to reiterate the last issue do not trust orders from the Canadian Civil Defense organization we again ask any e-canadians still trapped in Turkey to contact this org for assistance.

Now Here are your Government updates!

1. The Budget and Government affairs

New details about the budget have surfaced!

The budget is currently in open door congress, for those who have access to the forum discussion it can be viewed here The Canadian Armed Forces have agreed to transfer money to help kickstart this new budget.

On an administration note we are sorry to announce that Jsboutin has recently resigned as Deputy Minister of Defence. The process to find a new DMoD is still ongoing.

2. Wars and Combat

The TCO has agreed to fight on behalf of Canada, deploying in Italy and helping
them in Resistance Wars. They will serve to supplement the Italian Fighting force.

3. International Events

Canada will be looking into relations with Spain after the impeachment of their president Camadarahaxor.

The impeachment was initiated by a rage quit that culminated in this parting Proposal:

It is hard to say the total extent of the damage that may of been done to Spain as a result.

That is all the updates for today, again if you have any questions or concerns please direct them to this organization and we will do our best to provide an answer as promptly as possible.

Be well!

Your MOC,