Order of the day: Lost Funds and Economic Updates

Day 1,158, 15:52 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada
Ecanada day 1158 of the new world

Hello everyone,

It has been hectic lately and more news is starting to trickle through -> here are a few quick updates!

On the lost Funds:

Over the past few days our CP Aeriala has been in contact with the Admin over the missing 80,000 CAD. Progress has been made towards that recovery.

Update Information (Open Door Congress)

Economic Updates:

E-Canada is looking into tweaking its taxing system, the focus is basically making more use of the VAT tax (Value Added Tax) while decreasing income Tax. This will result in more Take home pay while adding a "GST" factor in the market.

Open Door Congress Discussion

Vat Tax Definition Erepublik Wiki

Short and Sweet Today, again if you have any questions or concerns please direct them to this org.

Be well

-Your MOC