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{Ciel Phantom} Staying in Government and Also some important updates and etc.

5 Day 798, 13:58 Published in Austria Austria

Staying in Government and Important updates, etc.

Staying in Government

Greetings, I know, long tittle.

Anyways, I woke up at five o'clock this morning to see that five gold was added to my account and read more »

{Ciel Phantom} Things that are required in eAustria

4 Day 796, 06:59 Published in Austria Austria

Things that are required in eAustria

Well, after analyzing current situations in eAustria, I have decided to make a list of things that you are partially required to do and some things that should be used to a better extent.
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{Ciel Phantom} eAustria - Congress

2 Day 795, 13:04 Published in Austria Austria

eAustria - Congress

Greetings citizens of eAustria and whomever else may be reading,

It has been four days since I last wrote an article and I feel that I should explain why before beginning the article. I have been read more »

Useful eAustria Links

5 Day 790, 17:22 Published in Austria Austria

Useful eAustria Links

Well, for making this article, I am honoring myself by officially releasing my wikipedia page. After a decent history in eRepublik, I decided it was time to make myself a page. Here are the links, enjoy!:

[ … read more »

Austrian National Party - What it means to be a Nationalist[2/2]

3 Day 790, 13:59 Published in Austria Austria

Austrian National Party - What it means to be a Nationalist [2/2]

United Countries Union - I will start off this particular part by saying that the United Countries Union Black Ops have done over 7000+ damage in the ongoing read more »