Austrian National Party - What it means to be a Nationalist[2/2]

Day 790, 13:59 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Austrian National Party - What it means to be a Nationalist [2/2]

United Countries Union - I will start off this particular part by saying that the United Countries Union Black Ops have done over 7000+ damage in the ongoing France vs Spain battle with members deployed in Russia, Serbia and Austria. UCU Black Ops are still doing damage.

Now, onto the part that relates to the party. Nationalists can be called up as Low Ranked Members if the organization is suppose to have a sudden decrease in political members. All members are hereby encouraged to help the cause of liberation and defense alongside with UCU members.

Activity - Our current members, which was about three last time I checked are all active and are encouraged daily to take part in events in eAustria whether it be Congressional elections or just releasing an article. Even going on the IRC channel and the forum is pretty much encouraged.

If anything new is to happen within the party the eAustria citizens will be the first ones to know about it whether we post it on the forum or write an article about it.

Rivalry/Oppositions - This is sometimes encouraged within the party depending on the circumstances. For example EDEN vs Phoenix would be one thing to encourage as it brings fun to the game but parties/people opposing each other within a small country such as eAustria is definitely not encouraged. I have gone over this already and I think everyone now realizes we must all work together to change eAustria

Nationalists do not currently have any rivals and do not plan to until it has become fully developed. This is an important matter for us because an occasion could arise where we are still developing but we have others flaming us which would turn some citizens away, otherwise, repel them. This would not benefit us at the moment as we do not have enough members to lose...

~Nationals, Representing You!~

Thank you all for taking your time to read
Thank you in advance for votes,comments and subscriptions.

Ciel Phantom,
Party President,
United Countries Union - Secondary Leader