{Ciel Phantom} eAustria - Congress

Day 795, 13:04 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
eAustria - Congress

Greetings citizens of eAustria and whomever else may be reading,

It has been four days since I last wrote an article and I feel that I should explain why before beginning the article. I have been very busy with real life issues, that and I am having writer's block, haha. Not exactly a block but similar, the events in eAustria have been so dull and hence this article. This article is to express my views on the most talked about thing in eAustria at the moment.

I have to say with our sudden boost in citizens it has to make for a Congressional elections that is sure to have alot more votes and thus many candidates have been releasing platforms for this elections while last elections there were few candidates with a platform. My platform was already released and I think it is important to view the platforms before you actually make your decision.

Now, on to another matter. It is obvious that despite our boost in citizens, not much voters are present in eAustria. Many citizens are involved with a party and are sure to use there vote for themselves or vote for someone else within their party. This takes out the fun of eAustria election, it takes out the fun of spending hours on your platform and it takes out the fun of seeing the results.

My predictions for this elections will remain the same, my predictions being that the votes are captured by parties in order of their position. For example, the NFA is the top party and will receive the top votes, no?

There is another thing that needs to be addressed, I have stated many times that false promises do indeed catch up to you. ALL candidates need to know the responsibilities they will receive if they are indeed voted into Congress. No one candidate can change eAustria. As a Congressman/woman, you are expected to vote on laws, discuss political happenings on the forum and etc.

Thank you to all those who read and to the candidates that were reading this, good luck in the upcoming elections. Let us have a clean campaign please (I fear it is too late to say this as I have spotted some unruly comments and whatnot). Thank you in advance for comments, votes and subscriptions

Ciel Phantom,
Illuminus Austria