{Ciel Phantom} Staying in Government and Also some important updates and etc.

Day 798, 13:58 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Staying in Government and Important updates, etc.

Staying in Government

Greetings, I know, long tittle.

Anyways, I woke up at five o'clock this morning to see that five gold was added to my account and I knew I had been re-elected. I clicked on the link on the front page to view the results and I have to congratulate all those involved in the elections and the voters. The voters for their support and it also proved to be one of eAustria's most voted elections with 173 votes beating out last year and this has to go down as a milestone

I finished thirty fourth overall. I would like to thank all the voters. Considering I did not self vote, four votes in a country like this is pretty much satisfying. Although, being given one vote is still a great feeling.

It also appears as though Alfred Ball will not be re-running for Country President. In my opinion, Alfred has showed good communication with Congress members in his term [see forum]. It is always a thrill to be apart of a whole new Country Administration. Former Country President Rangeley was voted in to Congress yesterday with the most votes [11].

In my second Congress term, I plan to re-start the new citizen initiative, bringing in four new citizens with the help of other Congress members. This initiative proved to be useful as one of the four brought in last time were elected into Congress.

Congratulations to all!

Important Updates

The first important update has to of course be the five gold I received. I feel it is necessary to let this be known to prevent future false accusations. I plan to add this five gold to my other fifty five gold. I first plan to use twenty of it to update my company's food quality to two. I will buy a license for USA so I can in a period of time buy one for eAustria. There is reason for this. Not much people purchase quality two food in eAustria, that and it has a low number of citizens.

With Stancel being unlikely to run again as Party President of The Socialist Party, I plan on succeeding him as Party President.