{Ciel Phantom} Things that are required in eAustria

Day 796, 06:59 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Things that are required in eAustria

Well, after analyzing current situations in eAustria, I have decided to make a list of things that you are partially required to do and some things that should be used to a better extent.

1.Shout: Official - I have always suggested that this is used to a better extent and the fact that it would also help to spread news faster. For instance, our Country President has just released an article and decides to shout it. It would appear in this section and would able to be read by possibly more users in eAustria.

2.Election Monitoring - This is not really required but I have decided to put it here as it is one of the most useful tools to date. I just love viewing everything on one page 😃


Copy and paste into browser. I cannot link it.

3.Baby Boom - Some of you may have came across the recent article that details things we should do as citizens to raise the number of citizens in eAustria.

Austria Needs A Baby Boom

4.Congress Donations - This is partially required if you have the interest of the country at your mind. You are not forced to do this but I have done when I was elected and Im sure it goes towards alliances, wars, etc. This is also required if you wish for eAustria to be a country that is talked about as just signing an alliance would benefit us. Signing/Re-signing that is. Even if you just donate one gold. Imagine if 30 + Congressmen/women donate one gold. That would definitely help.

5.Forum Regristration - When I first signed up for eRepublik and saw others advertising their respective country's forum, I was like "A forum? Why sign up, Im probably not missing out on much". But it turns out you are. You are missing the chance to familiarize yourself with the community and also be involved elsewhere. We need more active users on the forum.

If you do all these stuff, you are definitely helping eAustria develop as a country and advance in popularity. This would also make you the ideal citizen. Dont you wanna be one? Im sure you do 😃

Thanks in advance for votes, comments and subscriptions.

~Ciel Phantom, Illuminus Austria~