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4 Day 670, 02:43 Published in Australia Australia

Hello Comrades, I'm not in eAustralia right now, I'm in eSouth Korea with the Theocrats. However i've been reading the articles here. And I'm with you!

eIndonesia have oppressed us, they PROMISED us freedom and now look comrades, they REFUSE our

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4 Day 665, 10:25 Published in South Korea South Korea

Hello New South Korea I have recently applied for Citizenship and I would be much appriacative if someone would grant me Citizenship to SK. I can retire from ym job tommorrow and can work in a Theocratic Company. i wish to join the army as well.

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Ahh well lads theres always next time

1 Day 643, 05:54 Published in Australia Australia

This is an RL Sports paper.

I'bve just heard on BBC Radio that England won the Ashes. I don't normally follow Cricket (boring sport) but I was in Oz during the 5th match and watched it all on Telly.

Good game lads. Oz played well and so did

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A Question of WA

11 Day 638, 17:48 Published in Australia Australia

It was while me and Corny-ratbag where talking that we came upon the subject of WA. As we all know the Indonesians currently occupy it and it is a High level region one of the main reasons the have kept it. And unless I'm wrong in which case correct

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Guess Who? Ya Miss me?

4 Day 632, 03:56 Published in Australia Australia

Hello Hello Hello sunny Australia! It's me! Comrade Robb! Back from a long trip to eRussia! I've returned to my homeland of Australia. I've got my citizenship and I'm back. For the foreseeable future. I've done a lot of changing in eRussia, I was

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