Guess Who? Ya Miss me?

Day 632, 03:56 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Hello Hello Hello sunny Australia! It's me! Comrade Robb! Back from a long trip to eRussia! I've returned to my homeland of Australia. I've got my citizenship and I'm back. For the foreseeable future. I've done a lot of changing in eRussia, I was massively involved in a political party out there and things looked good, but with the war the atmosphere soured and a lot of xenophobia sprang up and tensions and differences between the Party and the rest of eRussia became apparent. So I handed over my HR position to a successor and have come back. At the moment I'm on holiday (In RL australia funny enough) so I'm a bit quiet atm, but after my holiday I'll be back with a bang!

As always. In Faith.

Robb 🙂