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The history of Aussie relationships with Indonesia

6 Day 722, 10:59 Published in Australia Australia

Back when I joined eRepublik Australia was tiny, a small handful of states and maybe 100 active players. We had recently been occupied by the Indonesia and consumed into its fledgling empire, this of course was way back before Indonesia ruled the

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FFS why do none of my articles publish!!

4 Day 721, 13:56 Published in Australia Australia

Well sods law say this will publish now...I just wrote a HUGE ASS article on our history fo relationships with Indo an it didn';t fucking publish....damm you Newspaper thingy you utter wan*er

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What Happened to the eUK

4 Day 693, 10:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Now I've been here for a while I travelled over from South Korea where I had been with the Theocrats, and this is my home nation, and I've watched my country go from FAILantis member to PEACE.

However there seems to be one major thing in the eUK

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Whats happened to the eUK?

16 Day 692, 03:03 Published in Australia Australia

Now I've been here for a while I travelled over from South Korea where I had been with the Theocrats, and this is my home nation, and I've watched my country go from FAILantis member to PEACE.

However there seems to be one major thing in the eUK

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Presenting the Other Side

4 Day 670, 10:44 Published in Australia Australia

Right well I've thrown my hat in for the Pro-War movement however I'm also listening to the other side of the article and here is why we SHOULD NOT GO TO WAR

1. We are much smaller and weaker than eIndonesia
2. We have to pay 500 GOLD for

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