The Other Side of PEACE: Japan

Day 713, 13:32 Published in USA Switzerland by HuCard

Just as the storm of World War 3 had calmed down, as the eWorld was recovering from the devastating wave of fire which had burnt so many stripes of land, and as the last remnants of PEACE's invasion were finally cleared from North America, a new, even larger-scale war befell all of us. Once again PEACE's arm reached out of the depths of what by now degenerated from imperialism to utter villainy and pure spite for any kind peace and freedom and yet again dragged down the eWorld into the raging flames of war.

But while the air is filled with the lead of bullets and the flames spewing forth from the thundering mouths of weapons, tearing through the peaceful silence and setting ablaze the wind carrying forth their roars we must not lose sight for the small details, the isles of tranquillity within this shaken world. One such nation is Japan. Though a part of the ever aggressive PEACE, she has for ages maintained a commitment to the values of justice and tolerance. She always refused to raise her weapons against innocent victims and refrained from taking part in any of PEACE's wars of aggression, yet has not ever hesitated to rush to the aid of a country in peril, for example Germany back when she was being invaded by Sweden and Poland.

Even in these apocalyptic times does she uphold her virtues. A quick look at the Japanese press reveals a united disapproval of her allies' recent activities. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs explicitly stated ( /article/1013138/1/20 ) that she would not mobilise her troops for any battles waged on foreign ground unless the countries she has MPPs with would end up the victims of retaliation, while at the same time urging her citizens not to take part in any such battles. Kokawayoshi Makoto, former president of Japan who had stayed in office for three terms wrote a moving article ( /article/1013287/1/20 ) on Japan's ideals and her commitment to the right of self-determination of nations, warning that she would be ready to defend herself against aggressors using the world war as a pretext for an invasion but at the same time again emphasising on the country's history of anti-imperialistic policies and kindness towards others, friends and others alike. The author of this article ( /article/1012719/1/20 ) too worries about a possible invasion of Japan's borders, yet again reaffirms the incessant peaceful stance of the nation.

In these harsh times of terror and destruction, it is heartening to know that out there even in the deepest smoke of war there still remain shimmers of light, that even within the vile alliance devastating the eWorld there remain souls who hope for a better, brighter future.