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PEACE - Hungary's and Indonesia's personal army?

2 Day 658, 06:58 Published in Italy Italy

(Non posso parlare una sola parola di russo e sto usando Google Translate per queste linee molto. Ci dispiace che non sono in grado di pubblicare questo articolo nella tua lingua madre.)

Forgive me if I am stating the very obvious, but more than

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PEACE - Hungary's and Indonesia's personal army?

16 Day 658, 06:56 Published in Russia Russia

(Я не могу говорить ни одного слова русский и пользуюсь Google Translate за эти самые строки. Извините, что я не могу опубликовать эту статью на вашем родном языке.)

Forgive me if I am stating the very obvious, but more than ever before in the

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PEACE - Armée personal de la Hongrie et de l'Indonésie?

3 Day 658, 06:54 Published in France France

(Excusez-moi; je ne peux pas écrire cet article en français parce que j'apprend cette langue encore, et ne suis pas três bon à la pourtant...)

Forgive me if I am stating the very obvious, but more than ever before in the past two months it has

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PEACE - Hungary's and Indonesia's personal army?

15 Day 656, 12:27 Published in Canada Canada

Forgive me if I am stating the very obvious, but more than ever before in the past two months it has again been proven that PEACE only cares about its members as far as Hungary's and Indonesia's own interests are concerned and that it serves no

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An Excourse Into Polish History

23 Day 651, 14:30 Published in Germany Germany

Now that the Polish takeover is nearing its end, it might be a good time to analyse how it has come to these hostilities between eGermany and ePoland instead of continuing to throw endless insults and accusations at each other.
While the countries

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