The War and eMexico

Day 475, 20:49 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts


With victory looming ever closer, and the mounting opposition to eAmerica's actions against eMexico, I felt it would be appropriate to take a look at our neighbor to the south, and seeing what a few of us might not have noticed almost two weeks ago. A brief time line for the current conflict will follow, then a look at the regions in eMexico.


On February 26th war was declared on eMexico, passing the eAmerican Congress with a vote of 45 to 4.

On March 1st, The Northwest, The Northeast, and Baja were conquered by eAmerican forces.

On March 5th, after a break of several days due to an error on the eMexician map, eAmerican forces invade The Central Highlands.

On March 6th, The Central Highlands fall to eAmerican forces.

On March 8th, eAmerican forces push into Oaxaca.

On March 9th, Oaxaca is conquered.

As of less then two hours ago, eAmerican forces have blitzed the last independent eMexican territories of The Southeast, The Pacific Coast, and The Gulf.

Over the time since war was declared on the 26th, eMexico has managed to garner seven allies; eHungary, eChile, eArgentina, eSwitzerland, the eNetherlands, eBulgaria and eBrazil. However, the effectiveness of these allies must be called into question, as the above time line shows a certainty among the eAmerican forces that appears to be difficult to triumph over.

eMexican Territories

A look at the territories of eMexico show an under developed, under populated country.

Conquered Regions;

Baja; 27 citizens, Medium Grain
The Northwest; 22 citizens, Medium Grain
The Northeast; 30 citizens, Medium Grain
The Central Highlands; 126 citizens, High Oil, Medium Grain
Oaxaca; 43 citizens, Medium Wood

Independent Regions
The Gulf; 56 citizens, Quality 1 Hospital, Medium Wood
The Southeast; 30 citizens, High Oil, Medium Wood
The Pacific Coast; 35 citizens, Quality 1 Hospital, Medium Wood

For the sake of illustrating the situation in regards to eMexico's population and infrastructure, eTexas, being the great state that it is, has a population of 641, a Quality Four Hospital, and a Quality Five Defense System.


Barring an unforeseen series of events, eMexico is poised to fall inside the next twenty four hours. Currently, the scores are close, and while I'm not convinced dividing the eAmerican forces into third was a wise idea, if the events of the past two weeks are any indicator, victory is all but assured. eAmerica isn't gaining a lot in regards to population or resources, it is my opinion that these series of military action will serve as an exclamation point on the stance of ATLANTIS in regards to PEACE.