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Special Austrian Edition! Italy betrays Austria!

9 Day 501, 16:24 Published in Austria Austria

I want to allow the Italian people to understand that your leaders fooled no one. The actions of your government, and the alliance that pulls its leash, have put every single citizen who lives under the proud Red, White, and Green colors of your

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Special German Edition! Italy betrays Austria!

7 Day 501, 16:23 Published in Germany Germany

I want to allow the Italian people to understand that your leaders fooled no one. The actions of your government, and the alliance that pulls its leash, have put every single citizen who lives under the proud Red, White, and Green colors of your

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Special Italian Edition! Italy betrays Austria!

7 Day 501, 16:23 Published in Italy Italy

I want to allow the Italian people to understand that your leaders fooled no one. The actions of your government, and the alliance that pulls its leash, have put every single citizen who lives under the proud Red, White, and Green colors of your

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Italy betrays Austria!

0 Day 501, 16:22 Published in USA USA

I want to allow the Italian people to understand that your leaders fooled no one. The actions of your government, and the alliance that pulls its leash, have put every single citizen who lives under the proud Red, White, and Green colors of your

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Hunting monsters.

0 Day 501, 11:47 Published in USA USA

They’re saying it in so many countries, and in so many papers that at least part of it has to be true. We stand on the brink of World War Three. It seems like such a massive, important thing. It brings to mind images of tanks and battleships, flame

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