Loyalties in times of war.

Day 482, 18:17 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

The more I look back at the events of the past few weeks, the more and more it strikes me that I’m reading some sort of book or story. Does anyone else feel that? America invades Mexico, with half a dozen pretexts circulating as the motivation for our invasion.

That’s right, America. Our invasion. Don’t make any mistake about who wanted this. The reasons were as varied as attempting to free Mexico from a Polish take over, to the arrogant, and now mocking, for the ‘lulz’. Forty five congressmen voted yes on the proposal to go to war. Ninety percent of our congress voted to make war, for whatever reason they thought poignant, on Mexico.

As a small aside; I would greatly appreciate it if those five congressmen who voted against the proposal would step forward. You five are either among the most wise, or the most cunning politicians in America, and possibly, the New World.

Inside of two weeks, Americans held all but three Mexican regions. Gone was any pretext of war games or of freeing the Mexican people held hostage at the evil whims of Polish bandits! There was only one thing left; American’s, their eyes filled with glee and greed, as they scrambled, madly, like a pack of starving dogs, to consume what was left of Mexican sovereignty. But, something even greater, and far more important, had changed.

Then the world came crashing down in the most spectacular way. Mexican forces, backed by an amazing array of allies, surged back. Portugal landed on Mexico’s eastern shore and drove deep into American lines. Some of us suspected it then. Some of us have only realized it now, after Portugal managed to secure the last region held by America.

The victories were over, but the war would drag on.

Now, not even three weeks after that landslide vote for war, we have been completely ousted from Mexico, and the only nation that has managed any sort off real gain is Portugal. PEACE howls, louder now then it ever has, at our southern border. And America finds herself in dire straights.

Our president, Uncle Sam, for all his faults, made an amazing statement four days ago. His vice president having resigned, the looming ATLANTIS fines, an impeachment, and raging public out cry, he stepped forward, and done something I’ve never really seen anyone do in the New World. He apologized.

I did not vote for Uncle Sam, not in his first campaign, and not in second one. But, at that moment, the man had won me over. I wasn’t convinced I would vote for him, should he decide to run for a third term, but, he had my support. I spoke out against the impeachment. It was a distraction, when we should have been focusing on the war at hand. Uncle Sam moved to repair the damage done with ATLANTIS, and attempted to negotiate peace with Portugal and Mexico. But, those who carry that PEACE banner so proud, and so high, proved that they cannot be negotiated with in good faith, and, as they sat speaking of peace, they continued to push the war. Disregard all their actions in the past; for those facts prove them to be dishonest and untrustworthy in every possible way.

Then, last night, our president abandoned the war, and hit the retreat button.

I don’t know about the rest of you, America, but, I will never forgive him for that.

He has his reasons, and, to his credit, he is sticking to them. But I feel that retreating so as to deny PEACE forces experience and wellness, when those same favors would grace American troops as well, is a hollow and half hearted excuse to save face and claim the inevitable defeat as some sort of victory.

Earlier today, an alliance was signed with the United Kingdoms. I completely endorse this. In such grave hours, we need as many friends as we can get. Spain and Sweden have also signed mutual protection pacts with us. Another boon and example of diplomacy well played. This was exactly the sort of thing we needed in regards to the negotiating table with PEACE. We had lost all we had conquered, but we are ready to defend ourselves. We will make any move across that border as painful and as terrible as we can. We had them right where we wanted them. Eye to eye across a the Rio Grande.

We could have forced peace treaties on them.

But, in an amazing counterpoint to his diplomatic victories in Europe, Uncle Sam dropped the ball. In his most recent article, Uncle Sam declares that all negotiations with Portugal, Mexico, and their allies are suspended. Our border to the south is still hostile, and the cries around the New World for American blood are louder then ever. Take a good look at the handful of intelligent articles that come from PEACE countries every week, and you will see that there are among even PEACE’s most educated members those who desire to see us suffer!

PEACE does not care if they take and hold territory. PEACE does not care if they only manage to occupy lowly populated regions. PEACE only cares about spilling American blood on American soil.

But, wait! What about our allies in ATLANTIS? Surely, they will come to our aid! Our great president is a supporter of this idea. Infact, among the comments in his latest article, he addresses me specifically, saying, “… epic thoughts,
you realize that Portugal and Mexico will NEVER attack our homeland. it's a strategic move they're never make the mistake of doing, as it will cost them much in battle.”

This is nothing more than wishful thinking based on assumptions. One thing I’m certain of, America, is that those cretins from Indonesia, Hungary, Brazil, and the other jackals that make up that pack of rabid animals we call PEACE will be just as happy spilling the blood of our allies as they will be spilling ours.

And the fact that Uncle Sam would even deign to utter the worlds “…Portugal and Mexico will NEVER attack…” gives me serious pause. What is wrong with this man? He just watched, along with the rest of us, as an almost certain victory crumbled before our eyes. He was just forced to go and secure three alliances to, hopefully, ensure the safety of American soil. Is he truly so bold and so arrogant, as to think that the people who hate us, and who hate him, would never dare strike us in the place we consider most safe?!

It’s like a damn story. One of those cautionary tales we tell our children. Don’t be greedy, or you’ll be punished. It’s like one of those dark comic books where the good guy is tricked into do evil things. I look at everything that’s happened since February 26th, at how scripted and storybook like it is. And then I turn and I look at the actions, and the words, of our president over the past few days, and I can’t help but fear; have we allowed the villain into our camp? To borrow from an age old adage of the northern hills of Michigan, where I grew up, is the fox in the hen house?

America, just who is Uncle Sam playing this damn game for?