Victory and Distraction

Day 467, 08:00 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

With the recent victory of eAmerican forces in the northern territories of eMexico, many people are either jubilant or angry at these events. eAmericans find themselves on a thrill ride that most of the newer generation of players (myself included) that they've never experienced before. Effortless experience. Massive jumps in well being. A chance to go punch someone in the face! What more could an eAmerican want, right?

Then, there's the rest of the eWorld. But, the rest of the eWorld is always going to rant and rave about how a game gets played, so, we'll ignore them, like we typically do.

Now, there's all these claims that some bunch of ePolish brigands hijacking the eMexican government, and that that's the reason why eAmerica invaded. Tales of gold robbery and other shenanigans, and the desire to secure the border between eAmerica and eMexico. I'm going to call it like I see it.

It's a bunch of bullshit. There seems to be a large desire in eAmerica, and, most of the eWorld, to ignore the real problems. We ignore these problems, and go find distractions to keep ourselves from worrying about them. Instead of attempting right the wrongs commited by eTurkey against eGreece and eIsrael, or trying to get justice for eChina in the face of ePakistan's tyranny, we go to war with eMexico.

Congratulations, Uncle Same. Congratulations, eAmerican congress. You gave us our victory, and you gave us our distract, and the problems that were there before eAmerica invaded eMexico remain. Congratulations, eWorld. Instead of focusing on the important stuff, your disdain for American only succeeded in showing how much power eAmerica's actions have over your lives.