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(Лоше намере) предлози за бољи еСРНЗ

13 Day 1,072, 23:17 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

well, because my bad intentions, sarcasm and rudeness needs to be translated to Serbian, i got it it translated (not by google) but by a cool and nice Serbian guy who shares by weird and twisted (to majority of westerner readers) sense of humor.

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[Bad intentions] suggestions for a better eSRNZ

48 Day 1,072, 05:41 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Heeeeeeeello, my friends, and those who hate me (sorry won't call you enemies, i don't have enemies)

Reading many articles in our press, and the comments on them from various commentators, i thought it will be useful to draw some guideline for

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27 Day 1,071, 16:30 Published in New Zealand New Zealand


when i once refereed in forum for the nice work "Animal Farm", i was not referring to any particular body nor any particular reference.. i wanted that everyone get his or her own inspiration

my own inspiration was, to watch out Squeler

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[NEW CONGRESS] The right destination

15 Day 1,071, 16:15 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Hi dear citizens

i will write a stupid article, since good articles tend to be deleted by admins!

so, no history, no science, no statistics, nothing!

but a small advice

since i see that some eNZ wants to cooperate with eSerb TOs

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[ELECTION] Open Letter to almost everybody in eRepublik

22 Day 1,070, 10:39 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

My Message to eNZ free honest people

Dear Borthers and Sisters

Our community, who left their countries all around the world, from former PHX or EDEN countries, who came here to start a new life, who cam here to be brothers and sisters

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