Day 1,071, 16:30 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice


when i once refereed in forum for the nice work "Animal Farm", i was not referring to any particular body nor any particular reference.. i wanted that everyone get his or her own inspiration

my own inspiration was, to watch out Squeler (sp?)

He can paint humans as enemy, then change them into friends.. Snowball, a war hero was painted as enemy, rules are changed...

Squeler represents the MEDIA

Serbs were over demonized... their presence was sudden, late, organized and supported by their government

yet now after hijacking almost half the congress, MEDIA tell us that we were wrong, and that they are nice people (which i do not doubt in RL), and are no longer TOers!

they pursue a wishful thinking that Serbs will suddenly change plans, will receive no orders from Belgrade and will act to the benefit of eNew Zealand!

why is the sudden change?
1. An intelligent plan by the provisional government
2. Naivety
3. They god a secret deal with Belgrade
4. They themselves are American TO and was happy with a draw
5. They have short memory
6. Serbs influenced them by Vodoo
7. The horoscope showed that Serbs have good intentions


let us give the Serbs the benefit of doubt

Why not we all pledge allegiance to eNEW ZEALAND

i mean we all former Serbs, American, Europeans, Asians, everyone with eNZ flag under their Avatars...

i ask you to say all in your comments

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the eNew Zealand,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.

I pledge to favour the interests of eNew Zealand
over the interests of any other eCountry

and do not forget