[Bad intentions] suggestions for a better eSRNZ

Day 1,072, 05:41 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice

Heeeeeeeello, my friends, and those who hate me (sorry won't call you enemies, i don't have enemies)

Reading many articles in our press, and the comments on them from various commentators, i thought it will be useful to draw some guideline for the benefit of our community!

1. Apologise to eSerbs: after all they are innocent military men, sent by the gracious eSerbian government to help us. we were mean to them.. called them TOers.. may "le bon Dieu" forgive us for that! they wanted to help us be away from the hell of EDEN, and to ensure that we are well protected by PHX and the eSerb. Thanks eSerbia

2. At all means, we should distant ourselves from USA. As you have noted, i wrote apologise not apologize.. because that is too much American and will rise the suspicion of being agents of an USA TOer!

3. i suggest that we write in Serbian, or at a language other than English... for the same reason, that is too American, and bad for eNZ.. if someone wants to write in English then go back to USA!

* i apologise for the eSerbians for writing in English, because the other languages i master will not be comprehensible for you, but i swear i will put a serbian translation once someone provide it to me

4. we shall transfer money to the eSerbian Banks. they will be more safe there.. eSerbia is strong and can protect

5. Never doubt the serbian intentions. It is democracy. Doubting eSerbs means you are agent of eUSA.. after all who else dare to question their honest mean and good intentions

to end this article, i found a better method to help new zealand prosper, to secure it and to have strongeconomy...
by joining eSerbia, there will be no more PTO threat, our companies will have larger market, we will have one of the strongest armies to defend us with its MPPs and super alliance, our workers will have more offers of employment, and we will live in perfect harmony!

eSerbian government, please accept us to join your Empire as
the eSerbian Republik of New Zealand (eSRNZ)

you don't have to believe me